EMAG Group. About Us

EMAG is vertically integrated group of companies concentrated on OEM manufacturing, import to Russia/CIS and sales through different channels hi-end products for IT/telecom, VDV (voice, data and video), low voltage (process control, building automation, CCTV, access control, security systems etc) and electrical (high voltage power distribution lines, in-building electrical wiring) industries.

Targeted clients are contractors, system integrators, telecom operators, power generation and distribution companies, railroad and pipe transport and corporate clients (large, medium and small enterprise IT, service and engineering departments).

Each of EMAG Group companies specialized on exact function or market segment (R&D/OEM, import, distribution through partner network, direct sales to key accounts, retail through Internet shops, training and service functions – product localizations, certifications, advertising, PR etc). 

Since 2011 Artcar LLC (foreign logistics department) as part of EMAG Group is specialized in foreign logistics and import to Russian and CIS countries.

Major sales channels of EMAG Group are “EMAG” (www.emag.ru, since 2001, distribution), “SvyazKomplekt” (www.skomplekt.com, since 1995, professional catalog sales), “Iron Harry” (www.tools.ru, since 1998, professional tools catalog sales) and “PROAV Today” (www.proavtoday.ru), since 2015, integration and key accounts service)

The annual sales volume of EMAG Group was about $74 millions in 2011 (+18% to 2010), $63 millions in 2010 (+19% to 2009), $53 millions in 2009 (-21% to 2008) and about $67 millions in 2008 (+16% to 2007). These amounts include sales of more than 15,000 different products made by about 150 large and small manufacturers.