EMAG sales channels

EMAG has several separated business units dedicated to different sales channels. These units provide a complete range of the above-mentioned products via four channels::

  • Distribution.
    This channel is operated by “EMAG”. We have a strong dealer network (more than 70 partners, each department operates with own dealer network) in the different Russian regions and CIS.
  • Key accounts service (including integration, project logistic, engineering service and training).
    We establish direct relations with more than 600 major corporate buyers: - ILECs, CLECs and ISPs (central and regional POP): Rostelecom, MTS, Comstar, MGTS (Moscow City Telecommunication Network), Vimpelcom (BeeLine), Magafone, Orange Business Services, Tele2, GazTelecom, ER-Telecom, TransTelecom, Rosnet, and others. - biggest Russian government monopolies, organizations and companies: RZhD (Russian railways); Gazprom (Russian gas company); RosNeft (Russian oil company), TransNeft (oil pipe transport company); Space Communications (military government facilities); - biggest Russian industrial and service companies: IDGC Holding, RusHydro and Federal Grid Company (Russian electrical power generation and distribution companies), RosEnergoAtom (atomic power plants), LukOil, TNK-BP (oil companies); MosTransGas (gas pipe transport companies); SurgutGasProm (chemical factory); IrkutskEnergy, KrasnodarEnergy, NignevartovskPower, VolgogradEnergy, TatEnergy, SaratovEnergy, TulaEnergy (local power production and distribution networks), Sheremetevo, Vnukovo, Domodedovo (airports), TransStroi (general construction companies); NorilskNickel (metallurgy plants); UralVagonFactory (metal works factories), S7 Airlines, Aeroflot (Russian Airlines) and others. - foreign companies (offices and manufacturing facilities): Siemens, Ericsson, Coca-Cola, Reynolds Tobacco, Schlumberger, PepsiCo, Procter and Gambler, PriceWaterhouseCoopers, KPMG, Reuters, HP, Motorola, Deutsche Bank Moscow, DHL and others.